Comprehensive investment management in the electrical sector

We specialise in delivery and installation of high current devices in industrial facilities.

Our offer

Our offer



Full offer within the range between 25 A and 5000 A (aluminum and copper versions). High-power, low-power, distribution, water-resistant and lighting busbars.

Transformer stations

Our offer includes standalone transformer stations in concrete or metal housing. Externally and
internally operated stations.


We deliver MV/LV transformers, oil-immersed and dry-type resin transformers – range between 50 kVA and 20,000 kVA. Special and circuit-separation transformers as well as transformers for converter systems.

Electrical switchgears

Our offer of switchgears is intended mainly for the industry, but also for a vast market of recipients. MV and LV switchgears

Installation services

Full scope of installation services, quinquennial and periodical inspections of transformers, busbars, MV and LV switchgears. Tests and measurements.

EG Smart - Monitoring of devices

We will prepare a dedicated offer in the scope of monitoring any electrical devices. Visit the page and see the demo.

Photovoltaic farms

A comprehensive offer: concept, design, arrangements with offices and power distribution company, delivery and installation, acceptance and start-up, guarantee and post-guarantee service.


Full offer within the range between 25 A and 5000 A (aluminum and copper versions). High-power, low-power, distribution, water-resistant and lighting busbars.

Transformer stations

Our offer includes standalone transformer stations in concrete or metal housing. Externally and
internally operated stations.


We deliver MV/LV transformers, oil-immersed and dry-type resin transformers – range between 50 kVA and 20,000 kVA. Special and circuit-separation transformers as well as transformers for converter systems.

Electrical switchgears

Our offer of switchgears is intended mainly for the industry, but also for a vast market of recipients. MV and LV switchgears

Installation services

Full scope of installation services, quinquennial and periodical inspections of transformers, busbars, MV and LV switchgears. Tests and measurements.

EG Smart - Monitoring of devices

We will prepare a dedicated offer in the scope of monitoring any electrical devices. Visit the page and see the demo.

Photovoltaic farms

A comprehensive offer: concept, design, arrangements with offices and power distribution company, delivery and installation, acceptance and start-up, guarantee and post-guarantee service.


Our projects

Our projects

Our values



Our team of engineers carries out investments comprehensively, from concept, through design, arrangements at the power plant, to delivery and installation, ending with warranty and post-warranty service.

jakosc EG system


Thanks to our experience, we guarantee proper performance of work in accordance with applicable regulations and standards. We provide qualified personnel and the use of devices and equipment to carry out work while maintaining the highest occupational health and safety.



We are a significant company in the energy industry. We operate throughout the country, fulfilling orders on various investments. Regardless of the scale of the project, we treat each client individually. We care about the quality of cooperation and the flow of good energy while working together.



Many years of experience on the energy market in Poland have contributed to the creation of a comprehensive offer. In addition to fulfilling orders for modern devices, it also includes assembly, service, technical audit and modernization support.

Many years of experience on the energy market in Poland have contributed to the creation of a comprehensive offer. In addition to fulfilling orders for modern devices, it also includes assembly, service, technical audit and modernization support. It is a real pleasure for us to go through the entire investment journey with the client: from determining needs, through implementation and assembly, to inspections. We provide a full range of assembly services.


The aspect of cooperation and ensuring maximum comfort for the client is equally important to us. By choosing our services, customers know that the process from ordering to effective product operation will be hassle-free. All technical aspects remain on our side. EG System technical support does not end with installation, on the contrary. We want the devices we provide to work for a long time, effectively and fully efficiently. That’s why you can count on us for service activities, inspections and audits.

We provide full service in the preparation and implementation of investments in the electrical industry. We specialize in the supply and installation of high-current devices in industrial facilities, in particular in production plants.

Devices offered by EG System work within the framework of thousands of investments around the globe, which is attested by our achievements and references, above all including:
• transformers,
• busbars,
• MV switchgears and LV switchgears,
• complete transformer / container stations.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Szynoprzewody czy przewody elektryczne? Które rozwiązanie lepiej wybrać?  W dzisiejszych czasach, kiedy technologia stale ewoluuje, mamy coraz więcej rozwiązań, również w takim obszarze jak infrastruktura elektryczna. Wśród wielu innowacji w tej dziedzinie coraz częściej pojawiają się szynoprzewody, które oferują alternatywę dla tradycyjnych przewodów elektrycznych. W tym artykule przyjrzymy się bliżej obu tym rozwiązaniom i porównamy ich zalety oraz wady.


Czytaj więcej

Stacja transformatorowa to rozwiązanie, które jest szczególnie przydatne podczas profesjonalnych działań wymagających zastosowania transformacji dużych napięć na mniejsze. Zdarza się jednak, że koszt zakupu specjalistycznego urządzenia jest niewspółmierny do jego planowego wykorzystania. Czy można zatem znaleźć złoty środek, chcąc korzystać ze stacji trafo i nie wydawać przy tym dużych sum pieniędzy?


Czytaj więcej

Transformatory to urządzenia, bez których trudno wyobrazić sobie prawidłowe działanie wszelkich urządzeń elektrycznych. Jak najprościej zdefiniować transformator? Jest to urządzenie określane mianem maszyny elektrycznej. Jej zadaniem jest umożliwienie zmiany napięcia przemiennego. Przy czym proces ten może odbywać się zarówno z napięcia wyższego na niższe, jak i na odwrót.


Czytaj więcej

EG Smart to nowy system wprowadzony przez naszą firmę pozwalający na proste i szybkie monitorowanie pomiaru parametrów sieci energetycznych on-line, zadedykowany głównie dla farm fotowoltaicznych i inwestorów przemysłowych. Nasze rozwiązanie wyposażone jest w funkcję natychmiastowej informacji o niepokojących zdarzeniach poprzez wysłanie wiadomości e-mailem lub SMS-em, a także pozwoli na dostosowanie alertów do własnych potrzeb oraz na wgląd w historię zdarzeń aktualizowaną co minutę.


Czytaj więcej

Rosnące ceny prądu i gazu oraz wyczerpujące się zasoby węgla sprawiają, że Polacy coraz chętniej

spoglądają w stronę energii pozyskiwanej z odnawialnych źródeł. W domach jednorodzinnych od

pewnego czasu największą popularność zdobywają panele fotowoltaiczne oraz pompy ciepła. Zakłady

przemysłowe z kolei inwestują w energię wiatrową. Na horyzoncie pojawiają się również nowe

możliwości w postaci spalarni oraz biogazowni, cenionych od lat przez zachodnich sąsiadów.


Czytaj więcej

Do you have any other questions or concerns?


Projects in numbers


Transformers provided: +


Busbars in meters: +


Completed investments: +

Projects in numbers


Transformers provided: +


Busbars in meters: +


Completed investments: +

Our team of engineers executes investments in a comprehensive manner – from the concept, through design and arrangements at the power plant, delivery and assembly, to guarantee and post-guarantee services.

Owing to our experience, we guarantee due performance of works, in accordance with applicable provisions and standards. We provide qualified personnel and using working devices and equipment to the highest possible operational health and safety levels.

EG System means several hundred executed investments, more than five hundred transformers delivered and kilometres of busbars installed.

We are a major company active in the energy sector. We operate countrywide and execute orders as part of different types of investments. Regardless of the scale of undertaking, we treat each client individually. We take care of the quality of cooperation and good energy flow when working together.

Many years of experience in the energy market in Poland have contributed to the development of a comprehensive offer. Apart from executing orders for state-of-the-art devices, the offer also includes assembly, maintenance, technical auditing and modernisation support. It is a pure pleasure for us to go through the entire investment path together with a customer: from establishing the needs, through execution and assembly, to inspections. We provide a full scope of assembly services. We modernise high current systems in industrial, office, commercial and service facilities. We guarantee high quality of transformer stations and busbars for power transmission and distribution. We are a responsible entity. Performing assembly works at the customers’ facilities on our own allows us to make sure that the machines and devices we deliver will operate effectively and efficiently. The aspect of cooperation and providing the client with maximum comfort is equally important to us. When selecting our services, the clients are sure that the whole process from making an order to an effective operation of a product will be seamless. All technical aspects remain with us. EG System’s technical support does not end with the installation – quite the contrary. We are committed to making the devices we deliver operate long, effectively and fully efficiently. Therefore, you can count on us when it comes to maintenance, inspections and audits.